Thursday 5 January 2012

Health Professionals Discuss Up DASH Diet plan Benefits

If your New Seasons resolution involves reducing bodyweight, you may want to check out the top-rated DASH eating plan, which has been around for years and is acknowledged with bringing down blood pressure.

Fad diets often run their course after a few months and hardly ever live up to the buzz, but the DASH eating plan may be right on track.

DASH stands for Eating Approaches to Stop High blood pressure, and is now rated the best overall eating plan by US Information and Community Review.

"There's a lot of stress on these eating plan contributors to focus their dietary habits around clean produce and clean -- not stored -- meat," said Lifetime Fitness Nutritionist John Kriegler.

Kriegler says the eating plan plan is best known for helping treat blood pressure levels. It's also been recommended by the Department of Health and Human Services.

The whole foods approach helped DASH good reviews, but experts advise it still may not be right right for everyone.

"One place where we may differ is that we persuade folks to get enough fat -- especially from natural sources like olives, avocados, seeds -- even egg yolks," said Kriegler.

Weight Viewers was also rated as a top choice under easiest eating plans to follow by US Information and Community Review.
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